14 of the World’s Most Charming Libraries: Critical Linking, May 3, 2019


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THERE ARE FEW THINGS IN this world more breathtaking than a grand, lovely library. Whether it’s a sprawling monument to modern architecture or a baroque, historic institution that looks like it would fit right in at Hogwarts, libraries continue to stand out as sites of jaw-dropping beauty and undeniable atmosphere. There are so many beautiful libraries in the world, in fact, that we’re not entirely confident we’ll ever be able to catalog them all. Recently we asked Atlas Obscura readers over in our Community forums to tell us which are their favorites, and we nearly got lost among all of the incredible suggestions.

From a private library in North Carolina to a law library in Zurich, our readers gushed about a wide variety of charming reading rooms and lending institutions. And yes, we read these places by their covers.

I have a weakness for swoony libraries. 

10 Stunning Libraries In Malaysia That Will Make Every Book Lover Happy

Speaking of swoony libraries, this time all in Malaysia. 

Reading dogs have also been used to help struggling readers in the other Nordic countries and in the US. The special feature of the system used in Finland is that during the activity only the dog, the child and the dog’s handler are present. “This makes the situation more intimate, so it’s easier for the child to read with no other listeners present,” says Haapasaari.

Inspired by the pioneering work done in Kaarina, many other localities around Finland have adopted the idea. Dozens of dogs today prick up their ears gratifyingly in response to young readers, though reading to dogs does not form part of the official school curriculum.

Heidi Puputti, who teaches a special needs class at Hovirinta School, reckons that reading to dogs particularly helps kids to relax and improves their ability to concentrate.

Come for the great story and stay for the cute dog pictures. 

Source : 14 of the World’s Most Charming Libraries: Critical Linking, May 3, 2019