20 Cute Pics of Animals + Books, Because Why Not

  • August 19, 2022

A big part of being a person who edits content for the internet is sifting through a million billion stock photos. You want a featured image that teases the content of the post, one that’s maybe funny or suggestive or just pleasing to look at. Sometimes you find that one pure and perfect photo right away in a moment of editorial serendipity (behold: himbo perfection). Other times it takes a little “is this too much?” back and forth with the team as you sift through photos of suggestive fruit for a post on lesbian erotica (we went with this one — a plum? pluot? I digress). And then there are days when your eyeballs hurt from the endless scroll because nothing you see is working — my kingdom for more images featuring disabled folks, large bodies, and people of color, or book pics where the book isn’t so obviously the freakin’ Bible.

A thing that very often happens in the midst of that search is coming across adorable photos of animals and books. Sadly, it would appear the photo gods are hating-ass haters who only show me these photos when they have absolutely nothing to do with the post I’m scheduling. Oh, you’re working on a post about slasher books? Here’s this teeny tiny guinea pig perched on a pile of books. You’re editing a piece on YA workplace romances? Look, a Boston terrier in a knit sweater! I made an offhand comment to the other editors earlier this week bemoaning my inability to do anything with all of this cute, and Kelly gave me the brilliant idea to share these images with all of you. Is this a departure from our usual content? Yes. Do I think we could all use this serotonin boost in this helluva timeline? Also yes.

So here I am, coming out of “writing” retirement to bless your life with some cute and some funny. Enjoy!

Photo by cottonbro

“If I move very, very slowly, no one will notice I’m going to buy more books.”

pug being hugged by a woman with long brown hair in the grass with an open book in front of them
Photo by Gustavo Fring

When no one warned you that the dog dies in this one…. I’m sorry, lil’ dude. You get those hugs.

small brown kitten peeking out from under a hardcover book
Image by Алексей Боярских from Pixabay

I would give my life for this kitty. My life!

small black and brown kitten standing over an open book in dark lighting
Photo by Vadym on Unsplash

I would give my life twice!

a black and white dog in a mustard knit sweater sitting on the lap of a person with black skin. The person is wearing round gold glasses and smiling, and they both appear to be reading a book together
Photo by SHVETS production

I will never possess as much style, sauce, or sophistication as this doggo and its person, and I’m gonna need a human-sized version of that sweater.

small grey kitten standing next to a closed brown hardcore book
Image by janmayra via Canva Pro

I just gave this kitten my social security number and credit cards. Ruin me, you pint of perfection!

guinea pig perched on a pile of books in a field of dry grass
image by Ольга Гурьянова via Canva Pro

Is he moderating a book club? Addressing his congregation? Delivering a dissertation? Sharing hair care tips? I don’t care. I love him.

owl scowling from behind a large stack of old books
Image by Susanne Jutzeler, Schweiz, from Pixabay

Reader, thou art judged.

a golden retriever wearing thin-rimmed black glasses. In front of him is a book or magazine containing images of a dog that looks just like them
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

When your favorite subject is you.

a brown dog wearing a crumpled black and white plaid shirt and black glasses. The dog's paws are resting on an open book and there are piles of books to the right and left of the dog
Image by Okssi68 via Canva Pro

This pup is silently correcting my grammar, and I’m okay with that.

a white and brown dog on a white blanket. In front of the dog is a set of three or four books tied together with ribbon and a pink rose on top
Image by olga volkovitskaia from Pixabay

“Roses are red, violets are blue, you best share those books if you love me too.”

golden retriever on bed on top of a white comforter. The dog is positioned in front of an open silver laptop with a couple of books off to the side
Photo by ready made

I’d smash that subscribe button for sure.

a small brown Dachshund asleep on white sheets with a blue open book on top of it
Image by Изображения пользователя EnryKun via Canva Pro

Sweet dreams, tiny pup! You are so much cuter than I am when I drop a hardcover on my face in bed.

a brown and white corgi with its tongue hanging out. It is seated next to a person in a pink blouse and tan trousers seen from the waist down who is holding an open book in their lap

I sees a corgi, I includes a corgi. This one is 1000% not paying any attention to whatever that person is reading and that is fine.

a black and white cat perched on top of a wheelbarrow full of books
Photo by Micky White on Unsplash


a grey cat with its paws in an open book. the cat is wearing round gold-rimmed glasses and it's tongue is sticking out
image by vvvita via CanvaPro

Somebody somewhere is lookin’ like a snack. It might actually be a snack. Is that Fancy Feast?!

a white and grey bunny rabbit wearing round gold-rimmed glasses. there is an open book in front of the rabbit
Photo by Anna Shvets

Just look at this bun. Ugh!

a cat with mottled black and white coat seated in the lap of a women in a white t-shirt and blue shorts reading a book
Photo by Sam Lion

“I wish you would interrupt me again.”

a fluffy grey and white baby bird standing next to a set of green, blue, and beige books bound with twine
Photo by Paige Cody on Unsplash


very small puppy reading a book close up
Image by bo1982 via Canva Pro

I am deceased: death by cute.

To read books about/featuring animals and not just look at them, here are some suggestions:

8 Novels Where Pets Play a Significant Role

10 Adult Books with Animal Narrators

Quiz: Can You Match the Literary Animal to its Book?

Source : 20 Cute Pics of Animals + Books, Because Why Not