Book Fetish: Volume 468

  • August 12, 2021

Welcome to Book Fetish: Volume 468, your weekly round up of bookish clothing, art, accessories, reading tools, and more from around the web!

Goldfinch Ex Libris Stamps ($6): These add a cute personal flair to your favorite books!

All the Cool Kids Are Reading Sticker ($4): One of us, one of us!

Black and white oval sticker that reads "all the cool kids are reading"

Reading Postcards ($8): Send a note to a friend, give them a book recommendation!

Four illustrated postcards depicting various people reading.

Book Stack Necklace ($55): This handmade necklace is a retro-looking piece of art, for your neck!

A pendant of red, green, blue, and yellow antique looking books on a bronze chain.

Tea and Books Enamel Pin ($10): Tea and books go together like PB&J.

a blue and green enamel pin depicting a stack of books and a tea cup and saucer.

– Tirzah Price

Source : Book Fetish: Volume 468