Color This Free Shakespeare Coloring Book: Critical Linking, April 13, 2020


Critical Linking, a daily roundup of the most interesting bookish links from around the web is sponsored by Flatiron Books, publisher of

“From the people who brought you the Victorian Illustrated Shakespeare Archive comes an Illustrated Shakespeare Coloring Book–a coloring book featuring illustrations of 35 different Shakespeare plays. (All illustrations come from a nineteenth edition of The Plays of William Shakespeare.) The coloring book’s creator, Michael Goodman, tell us: ‘It’s obviously free to use and I hope in these days of home schooling parents might find it a simple way to engage their kids with Shakespeare.’”
Get thee the crayons!

“During a time of crisis, it can be difficult to look ahead, but if you can, it might offer some comfort. Books, of course, can certainly transport you—can nourish your mind and soul. Let some of the best LGBTQ books 2020 has to offer be the rainbow-colored light at the end of the tunnel.”

Category ID: 795

So many amazing books to read.

“Throughout the book, Cornejo Villavicencio travels across the U.S. interviewing undocumented people, interspersing her and her family’s experiences: day laborers in Staten Island, New York’s whitest, most conservative borough; women who frequent pharmacies in Miami, where they are able to buy low-cost medicines without prescriptions; residents affected by the water crisis in Flint, Michigan; among other lives. Cornejo Villavicencio participates in a vodou cleansing ritual for protection from ICE, visits children in Ohio whose father has been deported to Mexico, and she removes her outerwear so as not to overtly give away the passing of time, when she visits a man living in a church to resist a deportation order. The effect is that migrant bodies that are used as talking points in political debates are finally rendered fully human.”
*Drops everything to go read this book right now*

Source : Color This Free Shakespeare Coloring Book: Critical Linking, April 13, 2020