Giveaway: ON WRITING by Stephen King

  • September 11, 2019

This giveaway is sponsored by Equinox Books.

Equinox Books is a traditional, small press looking for compelling genre fiction–fantasy, mystery, romance, thrillers, and everything in between. We want it all, but we especially want Books to Live In. You know that book, the one on your shelf with the cracked spine, the notes in the margin, the tabbed pages. It’s well loved, and it’s a book you’ve lived in. If you’ve written a book to live in, send it over. Accepting both agented and un-agented manuscripts, Equinox Books is now open for submissions at

We’re giving away 5 copies of On Writing by Stephen King to 5 lucky Riot readers! This sweepstakes is open to residents of the United States and Canada (excluding Puerto Rico, all other U.S. territories, and the Province of Quebec). Entries will be accepted until 11:45pm, September 17, 2019. Winner will be randomly selected. Complete rules and eligibility requirements available here.

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Source : Giveaway: ON WRITING by Stephen King