Small Quarantine Joys and Setbacks

Caption: I've been in isolation for ten weeks. 
Man: Sandwiches or soup for lunch?
Woman: Doesn't matter
Caption: I know I'm doing the right thing, but it doesn't feel like enough.
Title: Small isolation joys.
1: Living room tango (couple dancing)
2. Block watch (Woman: Girl, you're right. That schnauzer's dog coat is so last season.)
3. Lengthy floor sprawls (Woman on floor with pets: I finally get how you floofs do this all day.)
Computer screen: In quieter circles the disease has a new name. Lung eater. 
Woman looking more and more depressed.
Quarancleaning...the top of the cupbpards. 
Woman: How is there popcorn up here...
The sink drain (woman pulling out long glob of hair).
Previously unknown components of my espresso machine 
Woman: This goo has been collecting for eight years?!?
In many ways, my world has shrunk. (Man, woman, pets on a couch.)
And I'm so grateful I get to keep my family close. 
Dog farts.
Woman: Okay. Maybe that's too close.

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Source : Small Quarantine Joys and Setbacks