Take This Lord Of The Rings Quiz To Find Your Next Fantasy Read

  • January 3, 2020

For many fantasy readers, including myself, The Lord of the Rings was their first foray into the genre and where a love for fantasy reading began. I remember reading my father’s gold faux leather edition of The Hobbit, building Hobbit holes with blankets and chairs, and passing around each book in the trilogy to my sisters as we finished. We read them every winter. My mom named her pet rabbit as a teenager Gandalf, my dad organized LOTR tabletop campaigns, and I pretended I was the first hobbit wizard, Viola the Purple. No, I’m not kidding. 🙂

Because so many love the series, it’s a great way to find a new fantasy book to read. From mermaids to djinn to epic battles between good and evil, I have the perfect fantasy reading suggestion based on your Lord of the Rings preferences. All you need to do is take this Lord of the Rings quiz!

Looking for more? Pair your Myers Briggs Personality Type with a LOTR character, discover 15 epic fantasies similar to LOTR, and see if you can pass the hardest LOTR quiz ever (I failed).

Source : Take This Lord Of The Rings Quiz To Find Your Next Fantasy Read