UK vs U.S. Covers (See Who Won!): Critical Linking, June 4, 2019


Sponsored by Rebel by Beverly Jenkins.

“Jacket covers are essential—the first line of attack to visually persuade you into purchasing a book, whether through a vibrant, pop-out typeface or a artfully draw illustration you can’t help but notice. Don’t think designing a cover is an easy decision, though. There are a lot of components that affect the process, and the considerations differ country by country. One thing to agree on: these choices make for beautiful books. (Well, when done right.)

We put together a poll on our Instagram of U.K. versus U.S. book covers and here are the results. (We’ve offered justifications, but the votes were all yours!) The left are book covers from our over-the-pond friends, while book covers from the good ol’ U.S. of A are situated on the right. This is a battle where there are no losers: only resigned, yet happy, people with another 20 books to add to the pile.”

I love seeing the comparison of book covers, and usually prefer the UK, BUT y’all are so wrong on the Frannie Langton cover.

“The Stockholm county library boat (or bokbåten), visits 23 islands, including Möja, in the Stockholm archipelago, for one week twice a year. It carries around 3,000 books and a rotating staff of three to four librarians.

When it docks, island residents have about one-and-a-half glorious hours to come aboard the motor ship, browse its treasures, and borrow anything they’d like. Each island has one library card and, in a delightful detail, there are no penalties if a book isn’t returned six months later.”

A great read on Sweden’s library boats and their uncertain future.

“A Georgian villa and terraced gardens in Dumfries where the author JM Barrie played as a child, and which later inspired his best-loved work Peter Pan, is reopening as Scotland’s first National Centre for Children’s Literature and Storytelling.

With a full-scale pirate ship, a mermaid lagoon and a Lost Boys’ treehouse, the modern-day Neverland at Moat Brae House is the result of an £8.5m, eight-year restoration project and the embodiment of a pledge to make storytelling an integral part of growing up in Scotland.”

I want to live there!

Source : UK vs U.S. Covers (See Who Won!): Critical Linking, June 4, 2019