You Get The LOC Catalog Data And Try To Guess The Book! Critical Linking, August 26, 2019

  • August 26, 2019

Critical Linking, a daily roundup of the most interesting bookish links from around the web is sponsored by Enter to win The Library Book by Susan Orlean!

“This is only to say: there are a lot of these listings. Sometimes the subjects are spot on; other times they are laughably surface-level. Sometimes the subject categories rankle a modern reader (why are all the books about black people specifically categorized as such, when books about white people are not?). Not every book has cataloging data, and not every edition of a book will be the same. But once I started looking these up, I got addicted, and I thought some of you nerds out there might enjoy playing a little guessing game based on my findings.

Below, you’ll find 70 sets of Library of Congress cataloging data for classic novels (sometimes with proper names like, say, Bigger Thomas, removed, so they’re not total gimmes) with the answers hidden below (highlight the space after “answer” to see them). Some you will find very easy to guess; others less so.”

This is a fun guess-the-book game!

“I didn’t set out to be a writer. I was shy, quiet, and I loved art because I didn’t have to speak with anyone. At one point, my spirit said, “You have to learn how to speak.” I think poetry came to me because there was a lot of change. In 1973, I was 23, a mother of two children, and I was in a very active Kiva club [that was raising awareness about Native American issues] during the native-rights movement. We were dispersed Americans, totally disregarded, and I felt our voices needed to be heard. I started writing poetry out of a sense of needing to speak not only for me but all Native American women.”

A beautiful, quick—you have time to read it!—interview with Joy Harjo, the first Native American U.S. poet laureate.

“Learn how to efficiently pack a suitcase, and maybe cry while you’re at it. This touching stop-motion short, based on a piece of flash fiction by author Ron Koertge, is about family and loss and how to fit everything into your luggage. ”

This is a beautiful five minute stop-motion, and now I want stop-motion adaptations of all fiction. What, like that’s asking for a lot?

Source : You Get The LOC Catalog Data And Try To Guess The Book! Critical Linking, August 26, 2019