7 Things a Sagittarius Never Wants to Hear

  • December 5, 2021
Sagittarius is one of the most open and optimistic signs of the zodiac, but that doesn’t mean you can say anything you want to them without consequences. In fact, the sign’s outgoing, philosophical and adventurous nature can make it so that certain phrases sting them a little more sharply than they would most people. If you don’t believe us, keep reading for the seven things that Sagittarius never wants to hear. 1. ‘I don’t have an opinion either way!’ One of Sagittarius’s biggest pet peeves is people who refuse to ever come down on a side. They can’t stand it when people … Continue reading “7 Things a Sagittarius Never Wants to Hear”

Source : 7 Things a Sagittarius Never Wants to Hear