BRAVER THAN BRAVE Cover Reveal (plus a giveaway!)

  • February 22, 2022

Author Janet Sumner Johnson is here today with a cover reveal of her new picture book, BRAVER THAN BRAVE!

Before the big reveal, I asked Janet about the genesis of the story.

Once upon a time, my son wanted to ride the big roller coaster at the amusement park. Though he was scared, we waited in line as he built up his courage. When we got to the front, he still wasn’t sure he could do it, but there was a big sign over the way out: CHICKEN EXIT.

He didn’t want to go through that exit, and he wasn’t sure he was ready for the roller coaster. He had a tough choice to make!

Fast forward many years. My daughter was complaining that all the kids at school wanted her to do a thing that she didn’t want to do. She said, “I’m just tired of everyone telling me to be brave!”

I remembered my son’s experience, and those two ideas collided. They had me questioning the concept of Brave. What does it really mean to be Brave? How do kids show their Brave? What if Brave is different than we think?

From the thrilling roller coaster ride in the background, to the determination on Wanda’s face, Eunji Jung’s art really captures the heart of the story. I can’t wait until BRAVER THAN BRAVE hits the bookshelves! 

Thanks, Janet. And here’s the cover with art by Eunji Jung…

Wanda desperately wants to be brave like her big brother, Zane, but it’s not easy. When the Coaster of Doom opens at the amusement park, Wanda is determined to conquer it. But up close, it’s scarier than she thought! With all eyes on her, she must find the confidence to be her own kind of brave.  

Janet is giving away a copy of BRAVER THAN BRAVE once it’s released on August 1, 2022 from Capstone.

Comment once below with your brave moment!

A random winner will be selected this summer.

Good luck!

Janet Sumner Johnson lives in northern Utah with her husband, three kids, and a dog. As a kid, she loved riding roller coasters, but refused to enter Haunted Houses (she still won’t!). When she’s not writing or planning her next book, Janet loves eating cookies, laughing, and going on long walks. Sometimes she even does all three at once! She is the author of the middle grade novel The Last Great Adventure of the PB&J Society, and the picture book Help Wanted: Must Love Books. You can learn more about her at

Source : BRAVER THAN BRAVE Cover Reveal (plus a giveaway!)