How Breathing Exercises Can Help You Deal With Stress

  • April 6, 2020
These are stressful times, and more than ever, we think it’s important that everyone has some strategies up their sleeve for dealing with tense feelings and difficult emotions. Isolation can put a lot of pressure on a person, but thankfully, we spoke with meditation expert Josephine Atluri about one of our favorite stress-busting methods—breathing exercises. She walked us through what they are, why they’re so important and how to master them, and we think the advice she shared is invaluable. (Image courtesy of Josephine Atluri) Sweety High: What are breathing techniques, and why are they effective for combating stress? Josephine Atluri: Breathing … Continue reading “How Breathing Exercises Can Help You Deal With Stress”

Source : How Breathing Exercises Can Help You Deal With Stress