How to Properly Care for Your Body Pre- and Post-Shave

  • June 12, 2021
Razor commercials are so annoying. There is always a smiling woman with hairless legs (so why would she even need to shave?), gracefully gliding a razor up her leg with no irritation or red marks. She doesn’t even need to use shaving cream or moisturizer! If you choose to shave, you know the process can be very frustrating. You’re often left with red, irritated, bumpy and dry skin. And while alternatives to shaving, such as waxing or sugaring, are better for your skin, shaving isn’t inherently bad for it. Our pre- and post-skincare create most shaving problems. However, you can protect your … Continue reading “How to Properly Care for Your Body Pre- and Post-Shave”

Source : How to Properly Care for Your Body Pre- and Post-Shave