I Spent the First 10 Hours of Pokémon: Let’s Go Hunting for a Shiny Pidgey

  • November 19, 2018
It’s not a stretch to say that the Pokémon: Let’s Go were among the year’s most anticipated game titles. Now that it’s out, I believe all the hype was deserved. On the Friday of the game’s release date, Nintendo‘s publicity team was kind enough to send me review codes for the Nintendo Switch games, as well as the fantastic Poké Ball Plus controller, and I was immediately eager to hop into my next Pokémon adventure. But as I started up the game and caught my adorable partner Eevee, I had an odd idea in the back of my head. I’d read that the … Continue reading “I Spent the First 10 Hours of Pokémon: Let’s Go Hunting for a Shiny Pidgey”

Source : I Spent the First 10 Hours of Pokémon: Let’s Go Hunting for a Shiny Pidgey