If You’re a Shopaholic, You’ll Relate to These 6 Truths

  • December 13, 2019
Do you ever have dreams that you’re on a shopping spree, only to wake up and realize it didn’t actually happen? That happens to me all the time. I peep open my eyes in the morning with a smile on my face, which is then swiftly turned into a frown when the bag of my dreams doesn’t (yet) belong to me. I then spend the rest of my day in a deep sorrow, browsing online stores that I know I can’t afford, adding things to my shopping cart that are way too out of my price range, until I finally treat myself to something … Continue reading “If You’re a Shopaholic, You’ll Relate to These 6 Truths”

Source : If You’re a Shopaholic, You’ll Relate to These 6 Truths