Podcast456: Teaching and Learning in an AI First World

  • November 3, 2018

This podcast features a recording of Dr. Wesley Fryer’s breakout session at G Camp OKC on November 4, 2017, titled “Teaching and Learning in an AI First World.” Referenced slides are available on http://wfryer.me/aifirst and include all referenced videos, including those mentioned but not shown during the presentation. Please refer to the podcast shownotes for a complete list of referenced articles and videos from the presentation. If you have feedback, please contact Wes via Twitter @wfryer or leave a comment below.


  1. Google Slides for “Teaching and Learning in an AI First World”
  2. G Camp OKC Session Resources (@GcampOKC)
  3. Follow Wes Fryer on Twitter: @wfryer
  4. The EdTech Situation Room Podcast (@edtechSR)
  5. [VIDEO] Mobile first to AI first – Google I O’17 (1:44)
  6. Artificial Intelligence (English WikiPedia)
  7. Alan Turning (English WikiPedia)
  8. EdTech Situation Room Promo Trailer
  9. Neuralink
  10. “Artificial general intelligence (AGI) will be the most significant technology ever created by humans” (via Open AI)
  11. Seeing AI by Microsoft
  12. [VIDEO] Seeing AI app from Microsoft
  13. Google Home
  14. Features of Google Home
  15. Self-Driving Trucks Are Going to Hit Us Like a Human-Driven Truck (May 14, 2015)
  16. Robots could replace 1.7 million American truckers in the next decade (25 Sept 2016)
  17. This self-driving truck has no room for a human driver — literally (July 5, 2017)
  18. Tesla Autopilot
  19. [VIDEO] (Tesla) Autopilot Full Self-Driving Hardware (Neighborhood Short)
  20. Deep Blue (chess computer) from English WikiPedia
  21. Go (Game) from English WikiPedia
  22. AlphaGo from English WikiPedia
  23. [VIDEO] No match for mere mortals: Google’s AlphaGo wins Go series (56 sec)
  24. Google’s AlphaGo AI wins three-match series against the world’s best Go player (May 24, 2017)
  25. The AI That Has Nothing to Learn From Humans (October 20, 2017)
  26. [VIDEO] AlphaGo Zero: Starting from scratch
  27. [VIDEO] Google demos real time language translation with new Pixel 2
  28. [VIDEO] Digital Citizenship in the Surveillance State (Nov 2016)
  29. Google and Amazon are spearheading a quiet gadget revolution, and it’s going to put pressure on Apple most of all (Oct 29, 2017)
  30. Preferable replacement for Madeline Hunter lesson plan model: Design, Create and Share
  31. Scratch by the MIT Lifelong Kindergarten Group
  32. Scratch Day
  33. PBS Scratch Jr
  34. The Three Acts Of A Mathematical Story by Dan Meyer (@ddmeyer)
  35. Math class needs a makeover (May 2010 TEDx Talk) by Dan Meyer (@ddmeyer)
  36. Dan Meyer’s Three-Act Math Tasks
  37. Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play by Mitch Resnick (@mres)
  38. Learning Creative Learning MOOC
  39. VIDEO: The 4 P’s of Creative Learning
“Android Assistant on the Google Pixel XL” (CC BY 2.0) by pestoverde

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Source : Podcast456: Teaching and Learning in an AI First World