Powerful Quotes From Animorphs That Double as Instagram Captions

  • March 29, 2021
When we heard that a big-budget film adaptation of the beloved sci-fi book series Animorphs was in the works, we couldn’t have been more thrilled. These stories told the tale of five human teenagers—and their alien friend, Aximili-Esgarrouth-Isthill (or Ax)—who get the power to transform into any animals they touch, and use these incredible abilities in order to fend off an alien invasion by parasites called the Yeergs. Sure, they’re kids books, but they contain some deep messages (and great writing) that we’ll never get tired of reading. Love these books as much as we do? Keep reading for our very favorite Animorphs quotes to use as your … Continue reading “Powerful Quotes From Animorphs That Double as Instagram Captions”

Source : Powerful Quotes From Animorphs That Double as Instagram Captions