Sweet Nothings Frozen Smoothie Snacks Just Became Our Go-to Breakfast

  • March 4, 2020
I’ve always had a soft spot for chilly treats, and that hasn’t changed since I moved from sunny Southern California to the frigid Pacific Northwest. I often find myself craving something frozen, even when I know that most of my options aren’t all that good for me. When I do stumble upon something even remotely healthy, I’m all over it, so when the folks behind Sweet Nothings offered to send me their health-conscious frozen snacks, I jumped at the opportunity—and it didn’t take me long to be completely hooked. The Product Sweet Nothings are organic, plant-based frozen snacks that are basically a smoothie … Continue reading “Sweet Nothings Frozen Smoothie Snacks Just Became Our Go-to Breakfast”

Source : Sweet Nothings Frozen Smoothie Snacks Just Became Our Go-to Breakfast