This Is Your Personal Prom Aesthetic, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

  • March 11, 2020
The big night is almost here, and you need to sleuth out the perfect prom dress to wear. There are so many options–do you want something bold? bright? bedazzled? If you’re having trouble figuring out which direction to go, we’ve got you—or rather, your Sun sign’s got you! Read on to discover your personal prom aesthetic, based on your zodiac sign. (via Unsplash) Aries (March 21-April 19): Big Red Energy Girl, you know you want to stand out on prom night. And any Aries knows she looks best dressed-up in fiery red, paying homage to her fire sign. Slip on a … Continue reading “This Is Your Personal Prom Aesthetic, Based on Your Zodiac Sign”

Source : This Is Your Personal Prom Aesthetic, Based on Your Zodiac Sign