What to Do If Quarantine Is Ruining Your Chances for a Summer Fling

  • July 19, 2020
Ugh, quarantine. When this situation first started in Feb., no one imagined it would last this long. But five months later, we’re all still stuck in our houses, and it doesn’t look like things will go back to normal any time soon. Even worse—it’s summer! How are you supposed to have a summer fling and take part in all other warm-weather activities if you can hardly leave your house? This year, a summer fling might be off the table, but that doesn’t mean summer 2020 is a total waste of time. Keep scrolling for our tips on what to do … Continue reading “What to Do If Quarantine Is Ruining Your Chances for a Summer Fling”

Source : What to Do If Quarantine Is Ruining Your Chances for a Summer Fling