Why You Have Stressful Dreams About School (Even During the Summer) and What They Mean

Summer is finally in full swing—so why are you still having stressful dreams about school? It’s something we’ve experienced more often than we’d like to admit, so we reached out to a dream expert to find out. Lauri Loewenberg is a certified dream analyst and the author of Dream On It: Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life, and she was able to tell us exactly what our school dreams mean, and how to use that information to improve our lives. Sweety High: Why should we listen to our dreams, and what can they tell us? Lauri Loewenberg: It’s important to pay attention to … Continue reading “Why You Have Stressful Dreams About School (Even During the Summer) and What They Mean”

Source : Why You Have Stressful Dreams About School (Even During the Summer) and What They Mean