21 Delightful Items to Send in a College Care Package

  • September 17, 2019

Josh Hendrickson

If you have kids in college, you probably already gave them some supplies to start the year. Now it’s time to relax—but wait; it’s been a month or two! Do they need a restock? Let’s create a care package.

Why Send a Care Package?

You might be surprised how quickly your kid goes through some supplies while she’s at school—and how often she won’t tell you.

Even if she still has plenty of the supplies you sent her to school with, you might discover you overlooked some things. Now’s an excellent opportunity to send along any necessities you forgot or didn’t have room to include before.

A month or two after the semester starts is a good time to restock. You can make these things part of your regular grocery list, or just order them from Amazon and have the care package shipped directly to your kid.

Be sure to check with your child first, though, to find out exactly what she needs.

What to Include in a Care Package

When it comes to supplied amenities, every college is different, and it’s helpful to keep those in mind as you decide what to include in your care package. If your kid’s dorm doesn’t have a microwave, ramen won’t be helpful. And if he has access to a full stove, you might be able to step up from “instant” foods to something healthier.

Here are some items you might want to include in your care package.

Dry Non-Perishable Foods

A box of hearty chicken flavored Nissin Cup Noodles.

Most college students have a meal plan, but they still sometimes miss or skip meals. Perhaps they chose a plan that doesn’t cover every meal to reduce their tuition. Having extra food on hand is never a bad idea—college students go through food supplies faster than a half-starved lion on steak night.

Dry, non-perishable foods are good options if your child has access to a microwave or stove but not a fridge. The easiest require only water and a microwave—bonus if you can throw the container away rather than clean it. Here are some items that meet these requirements:

  • Noodle cups: This simple stuff keeps the hungry college student going. It’s easy to make, easier to eat, and then you just throw away the dish.
  • Pasta-Roni/Rice-a-Roni: A rice option is nice to add a little nutrition. It’s easy to make but also has some flavor.
  • Mac and Cheese: These servings are low maintenance, easy to make, and have good, cheesy flavor. Plus, it’s a throw-away dish.
  • Breakfast bars: This healthier option skips the artificial flavors and fructose syrup. Best of all, it doesn’t taste of regret and shame, like many of the other “health” bars.
  • Cereal: Your kid will need a fridge to store some milk for this option. It gets old quick, but the variety pack staves off the boredom.
  • Chips: Snacks are a necessity between meals (and to supply some much-needed energy). This variety bag comes in great flavors, and—better yet—small bags. This might prevent your child from eating all of them in one sitting.
  • Pretzels: A mildly healthier option as pretzels are baked instead of fried. And they still satisfy that irresistible need for crunch and salt.

Toiletries So Your Kid Won’t Stink

A tube of Crest Pro-Health Toothpaste.

Read the remaining 18 paragraphs

Source : 21 Delightful Items to Send in a College Care Package