4 Great Tools To Add Resistance Training Into Your Workout Routine

  • January 26, 2019

Unlimited Potential

Looking for something a little more dynamic than simple weights? These tools help you incorporate dynamic resistance training into your routines.

Resistance training is any workout where your limbs move against resistance (such as body weight, gravity, added weights, bands, etc.), which makes movement harder to accomplish. Resistance on the contracting of your muscles not only makes the exercises more difficult, but it also helps your body build more strength.

Our roundup of resistance tools includes bodyweight band trainers, resistance bungees, speed chutes, and weight sleds with a specific focus on keeping things interesting with dynamic resistance tools. 

Best Body Weight Resistance Trainer: Ultimate Body Press ($50)

Set of exercise training bands with handles, carrying bag, and poster
Ultimate Body Press

Our first tool for resistance training uses your own body weight for resistance. The Ultimate Body Press consists of two straps that have hand grips and feet loops to give you an upper body and lower body workout. These straps hang vertically, which helps prevent chafing against the skin of your arms when doing push up, dips, or flys. And if your feet are in the straps, they’ll stay put as you do your exercises.

You can use the Ultimate Body Press anywhere—mount it over a door or on a sturdy tree limb with the utility strap, or loop it over a pull up bar. Depending on the length you allow for the straps and the positioning of your body, you can tailor your workout to the resistance of your choosing. So if you want a more intense workout, lengthen the straps; if you want to build more stamina, make the straps shorter. The heavy-duty straps and buckles quickly adjust when you need them to.

This trainer can be used anywhere there’s a stable place to hang it. Plus, it even comes with a carrying bag for easy portability. But if you decide to set this resistance trainer up in your home, you can hang the large wall poster right next to the straps so you can look at its 26 exercises and 3 sample workouts.

Best Resistance Bungee: SKLZ Dynamic Resistance Assistant Trainer ($30)

Two men training using a bungee resistance cord

Resistance bungees can be used to train for any sport, from football to soccer to basketball, to even swimming. Use the SKLZ Dynamic Resistance Assistant Trainer solo by attaching the velcro end to a pole or sturdy base, or with a partner who holds the end. The person performing the exercise straps in and gets to work.

You can position the belt (which is attached to the bungee cord with a ring) at any orientation around your body to allow for 360-degree training, helping with your balance, speed, power, and even vertical jump. The sheathed cable of this bungee stretches from 8 to 22 feet, letting you train with any drill or movement needed to improve your overall physical fitness.

If you want more resistance, you can double up these bungees depending on the level of intensity you’re looking for in your training. The possibilities are endless when training with this tool. You can attach this to your ceiling to add resistance to burpees. Attach it to the side of the pool when you’re swimming. Wear it while doing agility footwork with cones and ladders. As long as the bungee cord can move in the space you’re working, you can add it in as an extra layer of training.

Best Resistance Parachute: Unlimited Potential Speed Chute ($20)

resistance training chute open, next to storage bag
Unlimited Potential

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Source : 4 Great Tools To Add Resistance Training Into Your Workout Routine