Aggressive PHP Quality Assurance in 2019

  • December 20, 2019

PHP has a reputation for being a very flexible, yet very messy programming language: Keeping the chaos at bay requires a non-trivial amount of cognitive load and technical expertise.
In this talk, we will explore how quality assurance for popular open source packages has evolved in the past few years, and how we can further improve our own projects. We will cover architectural practices, naming, code design, tooling and how to avoid common pitfalls that waste everyone’s time. With this experience, we can all help the PHP ecosystem in further evolutions.


PHPMarco “Ocramius” Pivetta is a software consultant at Roave.
With over a decade of experience with PHP, he is part of the Zend Framework CR team, Doctrine core team and is also active in the community as a mentor and supporter.
When not coding for work, he usually hacks together new concepts and open source libraries or simply provides Q&A on community channels.


The post Aggressive PHP Quality Assurance in 2019 appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter