An introduction to Symfony Messenger

  • February 7, 2020

The introduction of the Messenger component in Symfony 4.1 is aimed at this problem by allowing applications to send and receive messages to/from other applications or via message queues. In my talk, I want to give you an introduction to the Messenger component by showing how it can be introduced in an existing application and what concepts and principles it is built on. In a realistic scenario we will introduce a message based architecture, look at some of the challenges that arise and how to handle them and finally take a look at what other problems can be solved using a message bus.


SymfonyDenis Brumann started his PHP-journey back in 2007, when he was in university, working on a requirements engineering tool using PHP 5.2. The tool still floats around the internet, but he is too embarrassed for his code to tell people where. Since then, he wrote code he is less embarrassed about at an e-commerce agency, a startup and now at SensioLabs.

The post An introduction to Symfony Messenger appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter