Blockchain pitfalls & misconceptions: Livestream and learn from the Blockchain Technology Conference!

  • November 21, 2018

We aren’t slowing down – the talks just keep coming. If you couldn’t join us in Berlin for the Blockchain Technology Conference, you still can benefit from the talent on board. We are livestreaming a blockbuster keynote straight to you, wherever you are.

Clear your calendar and put your feet up! We’ve got the knowledge to shape how you think about blockchain.

Learning and unlearning – What it takes to adopt Blockchain

by Sebastian Meyen, Peter Lawrey, Ingo Rammer, Michael Kolain and Vinita Rathi

Wednesday, November 21 2018

14:00 – 14:45

Livestream this keynote here!

As blockchain becomes mainstream, the public often develops incorrect ideas about it—much is understated as well as overstated.
In this panel, we will discuss the biggest misconceptions about blockchain, as well as the most common pitfalls that developers and product managers fall into. In order to avoid pitfalls, we have to unlearn behaviors that get us there in the first place. How can we change our mentality to avoid those holes? Attendees are invited to join the conversation about how we can propel these ideas into action.

Last but not least, the panelists will exchange views on the bad habits we must unlearn when approaching blockchain. Are there any common practices that are holding us back from reaching the full potential that blockchain has to offer? What do we need to get started implementing the blockchain, and how can we rally our developers and product managers on board? What will you do with blockchain technology tomorrow, and the tomorrow after that? All these questions will be answered during the panel.

SEE ALSO: Blockchain: Learning and unlearning the misconceptions

    Blockchain Whitepaper 2018

    Free: Blockchain Technology Whitepaper

    If building a blockchain from scratch is beyond your current scope, the blockchain technology whitepaper is worth a look. Experts from the field share their know-how, tips and tricks, development advice, and strategy for becoming a blockchain master.

A trio of tracks

Whether you are an expert or just dipping your toe in the waters, the Blockchain Technology Conference has you covered. With three tracks and topics to choose from, there are sessions and workshops for everyone, regardless of how far along on their journey they are.

Here are the available tracks and just two samples of the many sessions on the menu!

Blockchain Technology 101

The title says it all: Join this track if you are looking for the full 360-degree introduction to blockchain technology. Learn about underlying principles such as game theory, peer-to-peer networks, and cipher algorithms while implementing your first blockchain app with expert advice on suitable programming languages, frameworks and libraries. This track is dedicated to developers and analysts who want to tap into the blockchain market.

Blockchain Impact & Strategy

Look beyond the buzz of crypto currencies. Blockchain technology has the potential to substantially enhance the way businesses and institutions interact with each other. The very concept of trust has been redefined and crucially: distributed. What does that mean for your organization? How will it impact you? Join this track to further your strategic understanding of blockchain technology.

SEE ALSO: “Designing proper data collection today improves the quality of ML outcomes tomorrow”

Blockchain Advanced Development

This track is meant for all those who are ready to leverage their business model with blockchain technology. Are you looking for meaningful real-life examples of blockchain applications beyond just the technical lingo? Would you like to receive advice on what you need and what to stay away from in your blockchain strategy? Experts will walk you through their blockchain projects and share their know-how. Get ready for the technical side of blockchain.

Hope to see you in Berlin!

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Source : JAXenter