Brand tweets about being an anti-racist ally are not enough


America is in chaos, but don’t worry the brands are on it.

The murder by police of George Floyd, a handcuffed, unarmed black man, has sparked nationwide protests and, at times, riots and looting. Police have frequently responded to demonstrations with shocking violence: running them down with SUVs, teargassing them, beating them with batons, shooting them with rubber bullets. President Donald Trump has called for further violence and, just quoting the man in charge of America here, told governors on Monday that they “have to dominate” protesters. 

All of this during a global pandemic. 

There is no quick fix here. (Though for starters there are ways to support the protesters and white people can educate themselves about how to be a good ally to people of color.) But I do know what we absolutely don’t need in this moment: Tepid, boilerplate statements from brands.  Read more…

More about Brands, Protests, Black Lives Matter, George Floyd, and Culture

Source : Brand tweets about being an anti-racist ally are not enough