TL;DR: As of July 18, you can get the Kodak Slide N Scan Film and Slide Scanner for only $179.99 instead of $224.99 — that’s a savings of 20%.
Taking a trip down memory lane usually involves retrieving photo albums that weigh a million pounds and flipping through pictures that are mostly badly developed. We’re lucky to now live in a time where you can immortalize memories in just a few snaps with your smartphone, but way back when, we all had no choice but to leave our film rolls (remember those?) at your local CVS or Walgreens to transform them into printed images.
If you happen to have negatives lying around and want to look back on them, you no longer have to go through the hassle of driving to a place where dark rooms still exist. You can take matters into your own hands, literally, with the Kodak Slide N Scan Film and Slide Scanner. It’s a handheld device that digitizes your film and slides, and for a limited time, you can snag it on sale for $179.99 in the Mashable Shop.
Leave it to photography powerhouse Kodak to come up with a quick and easy way to turn old photos into digital files. The Slide N Scan scans color and B&W negatives, as well as 50mm slides, allowing you to reminisce about old memories and keep them vivid for years. All you need to do is load the slides and/or film into the scanner via its quick-feeding tray. Let’s be real: There may be an allure to tangible photos, but they’re not the easiest things to preserve.
In addition to scanning your old photos and/or slides, the device is also designed to help you adjust color, rotate images, and even enhance the resulting images, which you can preview on the five-inch LCD screen. The built-in sensor can improve the resolution of photos from 14 to 22 megapixels, providing you with high-quality scans you can look back on for life. If you want to host a viewing with the rest of your family so everyone can gawk at their bad ’90s haircuts, simply connect the scanner to your TV, PC, or Mac.
Digitize old memories with the Kodak Slide N Scan Film and Slide Scanner. It usually goes for $224.99, but it’s on sale now for $179.99 until July 23 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
Prices subject to change.
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Kodak Slide N Scan Film and Slide Scanner
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Source : Digitize the past with this Kodak scanner, on sale for $180