Donald Trump will run for president again in 2024, and the internet isn’t thrilled

  • November 16, 2022

Donald Trump has announced that he is running for U.S. president again. We may technically be in 2022, but in practice 2016 never really ended.

“I will ensure that Joe Biden does not receive four more years,” Trump said in a rambling hour-long speech from his Mar-a-Lago resort on Tuesday night. “We will make America great again.”

All that needs to be said about Trump has already been said during the four long years he was the U.S. president — as well as during the formal investigations into said presidency. Understandably, many people are less than thrilled by Trump’s renewed bid for relevancy, and apprehensive of the further damage he could inflict upon the world if given a second term in office.


Do not inject yourself with bleach to cure coronavirus, holy crap

Of course, there are still some many who remain convinced that Trump has done nothing wrong, ever, in his life. Yet even some of his most ardent followers were reportedly unhappy with his announcement for various reasons, including Fox Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch.

Trump has proven long ago that he will continue to bloviate and spread disinformation for as long as he has a platform. Considering his public profile and net worth, it’s unlikely we’ll be rid of him in the public sphere any time soon. The only question is how big Americans allow that platform to be, how much power they’ll hand to him, and how far the rot will reach.

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Donald Trump will run for president again in 2024, and the internet isn’t thrilled