Don’t miss out on this special offer for DevOpsCon 2019 – Sale ends Feb 28!

  • February 26, 2019

Rethink IT with DevOpsCon 2019! This year, the conference for continuous delivery, microservices, containers, the cloud, and lean business is back in Berlin in June.

DevOpsCon is a four-day conference devoted to all the essential technologies for the current high paced software delivery. The DevOps Conference offers deep insights on innovative infrastructure and modern lean business culture through hands-on workshops, sessions and keynotes. Join us as we enable shorter delivery cycles, faster changes of functionality and a higher software quality.

Right now, take advantage of our Exclusive Special and save big!

  • Save up to €870
  • Transformation Day for free: Register for a 3-day ticket and get Transformation Day for free
  • Raspberry Pi or Nintendo Classic Mini: Register for a 3-day or 4-day ticket and receive Raspberry Pi or Nintendo Classic Mini for free
  • Group discount: Receive an additional 10% discount when registering with 3+ colleagues
  • Extra Specials: Freelancers and employees of scientific institutions benefit from individual offers.

DevOpsCon 2019 consists of:

  • 50+ Workshops, sessions and keynotes
  • 50+ International speakers and industry experts
  • Insightful Keynotes addressing actual trends and best practices
  • Expo reception with top IT companies 12–13 June

Interested? Buy your tickets now and we’ll see you this June!

SEE ALSO: DevOpsCon 2018 takeaways: Question everything & focus-forward thinking

DevOpsCon sessions

Take a look at some of the sessions and keynotes we have planned for this year!

Operations: the last Mile for DevOps – Damon Edwards

Some DevOps transformations flourish, but many others are stalling. Why is that? This talk will make the case that Operations is the most predictable differentiator.

So much of the energy in DevOps has been about activities that start in Dev and move towards Ops — continuous delivery, deployment pipelines, automated testing, and of course, the unofficial mantra of “deploy, deploy, deploy.“ However, when it comes to Operations, too many DevOps transformations maintain the status quo and leave questionable Operations practices in place.

This talk will first examine the trouble with the various siloed, ticket-driven, low trust, and centralized practices that have been accepted in Operations for far too long. Then we will look at the specific techniques used by high-performing Operations organizations who are fundamentally transforming how they operate.

Level up! A Continuous Deployment Maturity Model – Jennifer Kottmann and Juliane Ludwig

Continuous Deployment can offer a competitive advantage and reduce the time-to-market. Purely software-centered companies often already employ Continuous Deployment but diversified corporations find it difficult to adopt this methodology. Too often, the software release process is painful and therefore done rarely. The project presented in this paper is aimed at helping companies with different software engineering domains to optimize their software release processes through Continuous Deployment.

We propose a maturity model for measuring and improving the process maturity. It was developed and validated within Robert Bosch GmbH. Existing Continuous Delivery maturity models were analyzed and evaluated against a set of criteria established in our research. It was found that separating the levels Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment is essential for the support of agile development processes, as they build on one another. As this separation is not part of existing models, this dimension was used as the foundation to the newly developed Maturity Model Continuous Deployment – MMCD. It consists of a universal capability model and a detailed checklist with concrete points to fulfill each maturity level. Additionally, a check-tool was developed to generate a meaningful visualization of the assessment results and track the progress of improving maturity.

Serverless vs. Organizations: How serverless forces us to *un*learn – Soenke Ruempler

“Serverless” is fundamentally changing the way how software gets developed, shipped, and operated. For many organizations, these changes are going to become a major challenge. Entire disciplines and teams might get obsolete or change substantially within organizations. What will change with serverless? What are typical signs of resistance against the change? How can we prepare our org and people for unlearning old patterns and behaviors that don’t work anymore in a serverless world? How can organizational *un*learning get institutionalized in companies? Let’s have a look from a knowledge management perspective.

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Source : JAXenter