Earning a minimum wage from Spotify is a lot harder than you think

  • March 12, 2020

Streaming is raking in cash for the music industry. 

Spotify, for example, recently announced it had 124 million paying subscribers. And a study last year found that three major music labels were making $19 million a day just from streaming services. Everyone in the industry seems to be making money. Everyone, that is, except for many artists and musicians.

If you’re an artist looking to earn a bare minimum living off of your music through streaming, you’re going to need millions upon millions of streams to do that, according to a new study from Broadbandchoices, a UK-based company that compares broadband internet services. Read more…

More about Spotify, Streaming Music, Apple Music, Music Industry, and Minimum Wage

Source : Earning a minimum wage from Spotify is a lot harder than you think