Eclipse IDE 2018-12 arrives with some major improvements

  • December 20, 2018

The new version of Eclipse IDE 2018-12 is out and it marks the second quarterly Simultaneous Release. You can find it available for download here.

But this is not the only news brought to us by the Eclipse Foundation. Yesterday, a blog post was published with the overview of the newly approved Eclipse Development Process(EDP) which introduces one particularly significant change, along with a small number of other useful changes and was rolled out on December 14/2018.

Here is how the new release process looks like:

Check out the official blog post for more details on this topic.

Eclipse IDE 2018-12

Going back to the big release of the day, here are the general features and improvements shipped in Eclipse IDE 2018-12.

  • Polyglot language support – First class support for Java, JavaScript, C/C++, PHP, Rust, and others.
  • Latest Java versions – Support for building Java™ 11 and Java EE™ 8 based applications.
  • Future-friendly – Rolling quarterly release cadence for new features.
  • Dark themes – Updates to text colors, background color, popup dialogs, and more.
  • Better code – Enhanced code coverage analysis.
  • Proven extensibility – A huge variety of platform plug-ins

Head over to the changelog to see all the details improvements. For now, we will have a closer look at all the new and noteworthy the latest Eclipse IDE version brings, through Holger Voormann’s latest videos.

Here is the trailer of the newest Eclipse IDE version:

Moving on to the next video, Voormann goes over all the general and Git improvements in Eclipse 2018-12, like the redesigned git perspective, faster UI, and more.

But, of course, there’s also a Java-specific video for all the 2018-12 IDE improvements. The following video goes over things like Java 11 support and migration, new quick fixes, in-built code minings and more.

Head on over to Holger Voormann’s YouTube channel for more helpful videos about the Eclipse IDE!

Don’t miss out on any of Holger Voormann’s other videos! He’s documented all the changes and improvements to Eclipse Oxygen and Eclipse Photon in a regular video series. Check out his previous videos here:

The post Eclipse IDE 2018-12 arrives with some major improvements appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter