Eclipse Vert.x v3.7.0 includes GraphQL extension for Vert.x Web

  • April 4, 2019

We polled our readers about which Java framework they plan to use in 2019 and Vert.x made it to the top five. It should come as no surprise; Eclipse Vert.x is a toolkit for building lightweight reactive microservices on the JVM and is a polyglot powerhouse. It supports Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, Ceylon, Scala, and Kotlin, giving users a large breadth of control. Pair that with its modularity and you have a fast choice for microservices.

On April 2, 2019 it updated to version 3.7.0. This new milestone is the last minor update before Vert.x v4.

Vert.x 3.7.0

According to the release notes, the latest update includes:

  • Vert.x Web GraphQL: Build a GraphQL server with the GraphQL-Java library out of the box. Users will need to add a dependency to their Maven POM file or Gradle and create a Web Route and a GraphQLHandler for it. Read the documentation for a detailed getting started guide and how build the sever.
  • Cassandra Client object mapper support: The Vert.x Cassandra Client supports the cassandra-driver-mapping module. Users must update their classpath before using this feature. The driver provides a simple object mapper for executing CRUD operations.
  • Client lifecycle: Users will no longer have to manually connect to a client. Instead, the lifecycle is automatically managed for a much simpler user experience.
  • Vert.x Redis Client: A new, reworked Redit client provides a new API with less limitations than the previous version. This new API also allows for streams, hyperloglog, and any extension module.
  • Vert.x AMQP Client: This supersedes the current AMQP bridge and allows for sending and receiving AMQP messages. Visit the AMQP homepage for protocol details.
  • Stream pipes: A new API that supercedes the Pump API.
  • Kafka admin client: A new version of the native Kafka Admin Client API. Users should be aware that in Vert.x 4.0, AdminUtils will be removed. Consider migrating to the new Kafka client before then.

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The update also includes various bug fixes and a few deprecations and breaking changes.

View the entirety of what’s new in the the v3.7.0 release notes on GitHub.

Create Reactive apps

New to Vert.x? You can download vert.x distributions directly from their website. Choose either minimal distribution or the full distribution package. The minimal distribution package contains only the core components and language interfaces for Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, and Ceylon. Meanwhile, the full distribution package includes the minimal distribution package as well as all the components from the Vert.x stack.

Apache Maven or Gradle users do not need to download any packages. All you need to do is retrieve Vert.x with the dependency manager. Grab the latest Docker images on Docker Hub.

SEE ALSO: 5 tips for utilizing CI/CD for microservices

Vert.x allows for scalability with minimal hardware. It is a general purpose tool that fits into extensive use cases. Since it is unopinionated, vert.x allows for lots of direct user control so you can make apps the way you want to.

Check out the benchmarks to see where it stands in comparison to tools like Node.js.

Several tutorials, workshops, books, and presentations are also available for learning the best practices. The Wiki also links to community groups and developer resources.

The post Eclipse Vert.x v3.7.0 includes GraphQL extension for Vert.x Web appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter