Five steps you can take today to make your office more sustainable

  • March 7, 2019


Presented By Epson

By Mashable Brand X

With the global sustainability movement in full swing, there’s no denying we’re all searching for ways we can change our daily habits to help create a more sustainable future. 

From keep-cups to cloth shopping bags and investing our super in more ethical and sustainable companies, we’re doing what we can to ensure our small changes have a big impact. 

Here are just a few more ways how you and those around you can lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle at home and at work.

Recycle your plastic

It might seem like a no-brainer but ensuring your office has adequate recycling capabilities and your co-workers are aware of what can actually be recycled is an absolute must. Let’s start with plastic.  Read more…

More about Office, Environmental Issues, Plastic Waste, Plastic, and Sustainability

Source : Five steps you can take today to make your office more sustainable