Gitea 1.11.0: Open source self-hosting Git solution gets a new update

  • February 14, 2020

Gitea’s newest major release, version 1.11.0 arrived with 481 merged pull requests, new features, options, and improvements. This lightweight, cross-platform, open source self-hosted Git service is written in Go and can even run on a Raspberry Pi.

According to its README, Gitea aims to “make the easiest, fastest, and most painless way of setting up a self-hosted Git service. Using Go, this can be done with an independent binary distribution across all platforms which Go supports, including Linux, macOS, and Windows on x86, amd64, ARM and PowerPC architectures.”

Read on and find out what’s new and if self-hosting is a viable alternative for you.

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v1.11.0 updates

This is a major release with a lot of tweaks and changes. Some of the highlights included (and the pull request they originate from) with this update:


New repository templates. Source.

View the complete changelog for the long list of breaking changes, security enhancements, enhancements, translation changes (help translate Gitea into more languages), and bug fixes. Browse all of the merged pull requests and issues in this update.

Turning to self-hosting

Should you self-host? Self-hosting gives users more active control over their data, including how it is stored and used. It helps avoid service lock-in and dependency on an external third-party solution.

View the comparison chart between Gitea and other Git hosting options such as GitHub EE, BitBucket, GitLab EE, and Gogs. In direct comparison to GitLab, for instance, Gitea is much more lightweight and uses less RAM.

Likewise, every single Gitea feature is free and open source, without any subscription tiers or enterprise editions.

SEE ALSO: Git 2.25 brings new features for partial cloning

How to get started

New users can test it out and migrate directly from GitHub, GitLab, or Gogs directly into Gitea.

To install, either run the binary suitable for your platform, ship with Docker or Ansible Vagrant, or install from package. (With the 1.11.0 update, it requires NodeJS and npm in order to build from source.)

Anywhere that Go can compile to, Gitea can run. So, it is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and even on a Raspberry Pi.

Although the project is currently hosted on GitHub, the big migration towards self-hosting on a Gitea instance is in progress.

Test out the online demo for a taste of what self-hosting with Gitea is like.

The post Gitea 1.11.0: Open source self-hosting Git solution gets a new update appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter