GitLab 12.10 adds requirements management, AWS Fargate support, Jira integration & more

  • April 24, 2020

The latest GitLab release has been announced on the GitLab blog. GitLab 12.10 adds several updates for users of the paid and free editions, so let’s see what new options the DevOps lifecycle tool offers.

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Requirements management & multiple projects

GitLab Ultimate/Gold users can now create and view requirements in GitLab to help ensure projects are compliant with business requirements. As this is the initial release, Requirements Management is referred to as the “first step towards managing requirements from within GitLab.”

With the current release, GitLab users can create and view requirements at a project level. The projects can be checked against requirements regarding users, stakeholders, system, software, and more. In the future, traceability between all artifacts should be added as well to visualize compliance.

Another new feature that is available only to Gold/Ultimate users should help with managing multiple projects. On the Epic Tree, issues can now be marked in red (at risk), amber (needs attention) or green (on track) according to their health status.

This is how the Epic Tree looks with the new health tracking option:


Source: GitLab

Other updates

As always, there are also some new features for users of the free editions on board. For all self-managed GitLab versions including the free Core edition, the new AWS Fargate Driver allows users to auto-scale GitLab CI on AWS Fargate, which is a serverless compute engine for containers.

The GitLab team has also been working on making it easier to import issues from Jira into GitLab for users of all editions. Previously, this had to be done manually with GitLab’s CSV importer. GitLab 12.10 introduces the option to automatically import Jira issues, which should speed things up:


Source: GitLab

SEE ALSO: GitLab is open sourcing 18 features for the DevOps lifecycle

Additionally, several bugs have been fixed. For example, an exception is now raised when encountering database connection errors, the issue board now supports results for searches with one or two letters, and release notes are no longer mandatory.

For all that’s new in GitLab 12.10, see the blog post.

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Source : JAXenter