Group chats are the ideal way to process the Trump COVID news (and the rest of 2020)

  • October 2, 2020

It’s 2020 and my thumbs are exhausted.

Sure, the rest of me — mind, body, soul, etc. — is tired as hell, too. But my thumbs. My poor thumbs. They’re spent from furiously typing thoughts, updates, and responses to the various group chats that are constantly blowing up my phone.

I have a group chat with my whole family in it, a group chat with only local family members, at least six different friend group chats, two coworker group chats, a college group chat, and more. And any time significant news breaks — which, in 2020 seems to be all the time — three or more of these group chats start popping off without fail.  Read more…

More about Politics, Texting, Relationships, Donald Trump, and Coronavirus

Source : Group chats are the ideal way to process the Trump COVID news (and the rest of 2020)