Happy 25th birthday, ‘Friends’! Here are 9 of the most iconic episodes of all time

  • September 22, 2019


Friends is having a moment. 

Thanks to the ability to endlessly stream its 236 episodes on Netflix (but in 2020, on HBO Max), and, perhaps, its female cast members’ mastery of the Tiny Shirt, Big Pants lewk, sitcom lovers are re-living, or discovering for the first time, the physical comedy, sweetness, and (often problematic) humor of Friends.

That’s fitting considering Sept. 22, 2019 marks the 25th anniversary of Friends‘ 1994 premiere. The world watched that day as Rachel Green waltzed into Central Perk in her sopping wedding dress, and the world (and Ross) would never be the same.

Mashable has combed through the archive to find some of the most iconic and re-watchable episodes of the series. A lot of these episodes center on the sticky catchphrases the show gave us; others mark the sentimental moments where we laughed and cried for the Friends. Read more…

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Happy 25th birthday, ‘Friends’! Here are 9 of the most iconic episodes of all time