Help TechCrunch find the best growth marketers for startups


To succeed, every startup needs to find and keep more users, but our attention spans get shorter every year. Eventually, your company will hire someone who’s up to speed with the latest problems and solutions in growth.

In the meantime, TechCrunch is here to help.

We’re asking founders to share a brief recommendation for talented growth marketers who have made a difference for them. We’ll use your responses to feature the best growth experts to our audience through our articles, events, and soon, a free database list.

Whether you worked with a great individual or an agency, we want to know who helped you figure out great solutions in SEO, social media, content marketing, analytics and other growth mechanisms.

There are a million marketers out there, most of whom have never worked with serious startups before. The types of people we want to spotlight will be proven experts in using product management, engineering, data and marketing techniques specifically for ambitious companies like yours.

If you are a growth marketer, we encourage you to share this survey with your clients (but completely discourage self-recommendations).

Founders and other startup leaders, please fill out this nomination form, and be on the lookout for more from top marketers in the next few weeks (with a few more things in store). If you had filled out our email marketing survey from a few weeks ago, thank you! We’re putting your responses to work as part of this project already.

Have any questions? Email [email protected].

Source : Help TechCrunch find the best growth marketers for startups