How to Sleep Comfortably On an Airplane



One of life’s greatest challenges is getting quality sleep on an Economy seat on a long-haul flight—at least that’s how it feels. We’re here to help make your next trip more bearable.

Unless you’re one of the lucky ones who can fall asleep even standing, you know the frustration that comes with spending the night at 30,000 feet in the air with limited space, surrounded by strangers, and with the mind-numbing drone of the jet playing in the background. 

Though seemingly impossible, there are ways to secure better shuteye and proper rest on overnight flights. Read on for all the tips you’ll need on your next trip. 

Pick the Right Seat

Frequent flyers are aware of the importance of seat location. If you pick the right one for you, you’ve already done half the job to ensuring some well-deserved undisrupted sleep throughout the flight. 

Window seats provide you with a wall to rest your head and prevent you from having people bothering you every time they need to use the restroom. However, if you’re one to use the toilet rather often or to walk around when you can’t sleep, then you should pick an aisle seat on the central block of seats. That way when you’re awake, you can get up as many times as you please, and when you’re sleeping your neighbor can simply turn to the other passenger next to them to let them through.  

Emergency exit and bulkhead seats should be avoided as the former don’t usually recline, and the latter tend to be reserved for families with infants. 

As a general rule, pick seats near the front of the plane and away from lavatories and the galley to avoid loud noises and unpleasant smells. If the airline allows it, you can reserve a seat during the booking process. Alternatively, you can ask at the check-in desk if they can change your seat to any that would suit your preferences.

Comply With the Essentials

There are three components to a good night sleep: light, temperature, and sound. These are the tools you’ll need to fulfill them:

  • A Quality Eye Mask: Though they are generally provided free of charge, some airlines require you to pay for them, and the quality is often disappointing. Do your research and invest in a thick and soft eye mask that provides you with the comfort you need. Look for the kind with extra foldable fabric on the lower edge as that will prevent any light from reaching your eyelids. 
  • A Hoodie and Extra Socks: Other than dry, the air in the aircraft is usually quite cold, so extra layers might make it easier to sleep. Bring your favorite sweater and an extra pair of socks to avoid relying on the thin blankets they give you on the flight. And don’t forget to buckle in over your outer layer if you don’t want to be awakened by a flight attendant wanting to check your seatbelt! 
  • A Travel Blanket: A hoodie might be a more versatile pick (after all you can wear it when you reach your destination), but if you crave the comfort of a blanket we understand. Fortunately, there are some nice ultra-light travel blankets to choose from.
  • Noise-Canceling Headphones: Following meal service, the atmosphere on the plane tends to quiet down. However, engine noise can still make it difficult for you to get some rest. Putting on noise-canceling headphones can help with the challenge. You can either listen to white noise to lull yourself into sleep, or you can leave them on but unplugged to minimize the surrounding noise. If the cost of noise-canceling headphones is too much for your budget (good pairs are pretty pricey) or you just dislike the feeling of pressure in your ear that some people experience while using them, you can also use specialty airplane earplugs—the plugs have a little pressure valve so your ears can pop naturally.

Get a Neck Pillow or Use the Headrest

Man sleeping with a neck pillow in an airport

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Source : How to Sleep Comfortably On an Airplane