How Twitter and Trump’s toxic relationship came crashing down


When it comes to passionate love affairs, the one between Donald Trump and Twitter lasted quite a while. But as these things often go, the years have worn heavily on the once white-hot relationship. 

Kicked off in 2009 with a tweet in the third person promoting an appearance on Late Night with David Letterman, over the next 11 years Donald Trump would use his account on the social media platform co-founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams in 2006 to great effect. Great, in this case, referring to scale — not quality. 

Then, in one week, it all fell apart. Twitter fact-checked Trump. He responded with a weak executive order that was all bark and no bite, and Twitter hid, for the first time, a Trump tweet that broke its rules about glorifying violence.  Read more…

More about Twitter, Donald Trump, Section 230, Tech, and Big Tech Companies

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How Twitter and Trump’s toxic relationship came crashing down