Logitech is Reviving the Popular MX518 Gaming Mouse

  • February 20, 2019

Power users often get quite attached to their input devices and don’t like to move on from a winner. For the considerable number of fans of an older gaming mouse, the MX518, Logitech is bringing it back.

The MX518 was first released back in 2005: a curvy, gaming-focused wired mouse with the now-standard eight buttons. It was fairly primitive by today’s standards, with an optical sensor maxing out at just 1600 DPI (literally one-tenth the resolution of today’s top gaming mice) and a glossy plastic top that looked like a bit of the Terminator T-1000 dropped off. It was a gentle evolution of the MX500 design from 2002.

The 2019 version of the MX518 will feature a more toned-down exterior with Logitech’s current branding, but its ergonomics remain identical to the original, right down to the circular thumb and DPI adjustment buttons. Underneath, Logitech has upgraded its hardware. The new mouse gets the company’s most advanced 16,000 DPI sensor, a nigh-instant response time of one millisecond, and an onboard ARM chip to manage all of it.

The refreshed mouse will cost $60 when it goes on sale, which is fairly typical for a mid-range wired gaming mouse. For the sensor inside, assuming you can actually use that much DPI, it’s a bargain. Logitech hasn’t said when it will be available, but you can pre-order it now.

Source: The Next Web

Source : Logitech is Reviving the Popular MX518 Gaming Mouse