Microsoft Edge Will Support Chrome Extensions After the Move to Chromium

  • December 10, 2018

Last week Microsoft announced plans to move Edge away from the EdgeHTML engine and over to Chromium. In a reddit thread over the weekend, the company answered some questions on what that will mean for the browser’s future.

First off, Edge will support Chrome extensions after the transition. That’s pretty huge because the Chrome Store is loaded with excellent extensions that will take Edge to the next level.

One of the bigger questions was what this would mean for current PWAs that are found in the Microsoft Store, as transitioning completely to Chromium within the operating system would break most of that functionality. It was made clear that there aren’t any intentions to completely abandon EdgeHTML in the OS—at least not immediately. So all current PWAs from the Microsoft Store will continue to work.

Beyond that, Microsoft also plans to let PWAs be installed directly from the Chromium version of Edge—just like is already possible with Chrome—as well from the Microsoft Store.

So really, all this is to say that the features you already use—especially PWAs—aren’t going anywhere and Edge is only going to get better and more useful.

via Thurrott

Source : Microsoft Edge Will Support Chrome Extensions After the Move to Chromium