Mint programming language is an alternative to JavaScript for writing single page apps

  • February 10, 2020

Mint is a new programming language that focuses on the front-end web, specifically, it aims its focus on Single Page Applications (SPAs). According to its documentation, Mint was created the same way many great ideas are: out of frustration with JavaScript.

One of its main aims is to create safe, maintainable, fast, readable code, in comparison to JavaScript’s error-prone complexity and design flaws.

View its source code and repository on GitHub. The latest version is currently 0.7.1 and the project is currently undergoing development.

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Mint’s key features

What separates Mint from other languages? A few of its notable features include:

  • Use CSS to style elements using style blocks.
  • Contain and manage data with a  globally accessible store .
  • You can add a third party CSS library to a Mint app with just a few lines of code and then use the library in your Mint project.
  • Includes embedded features of the JS stack such as React, Redux, Prettier, npm, Jest, and Enzyme.
  • Functions are called fun instead of function. (View the language creator’s reasoning for this choice.)
  • Instead of using a library, routing is a built-in language feature. Define routes in a routes block.

Sample code. Source.

Mint features JavaScript interoperability and users can inline any and all JS code using back-ticks.

It gives users three ways of interacting with JS code: via inlining, decode expressions, and encode expressions. This allows you to invoke arbitrary JavaScript, convert JS objects to typed values, and convert typed values to JS objects.


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    Installing Mint

    Test it out with the in-browser sandbox mode, create your own, or browse other users’ sandboxes.

    Installing Mint requires a single binary file: mint. (You can also run the Mint dev environment with a Docker container.) Since it is written in Crystal, you will need to install the Crystal programming language if you wish to install from source.

    View the getting started guide for a walkthrough on how to create a new project and refer to the documentation and API guide for further reference.

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    Alternatives and advantages

    User discussions about the language on Reddit and Hacker News revealed some alternatives, including using TypeScript with React or a pre-configured TypeScript-Vue stack. In response to some questions about its potential advantages, the author of Mint wrote on Hacker News:

    Author of the language here, I think it is a major advantage for several reasons:

    • – the documentation is in one place instead of several places
    • – the dependencies of a Mint project is usually a few megabytes since everything is included instead of hundreds of megabytes (I have a production app that does not have any dependencies at all)
    • – only need to learn one (compact) thing, instead of many complex things (complex since there is no compiler to make it simple)
    • – only need to update the code once there is a new version of the language not every time there is a new version of a dependency
    • On top of the libraries mentioned the language also includes a formatter, package manager, builder/dev server and testing environment, also for which you would need to add dependencies.

    All of these add up to less cognitive load so I can focus on building the product instead of managing the development environment.

    Share your opinion with us: Have you tried Mint? How does it fare and is it a viable alternative to JavaScript?

    The post Mint programming language is an alternative to JavaScript for writing single page apps appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter