Quarkus updates: Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2 compatibility reached

  • January 22, 2020

What’s the scoop on Quarkus? Since it’s release, we have been watching the project closely and according to many Java experts, it should have a place on your radar. The “supersonic subatomic Java” is an open source Cloud-Native, container-first framework for writing Java applications.

Its latest version is Quarkus 1.1.1, which was a minor release that mostly focused on fixing bugs.

Now, Quarkus reaches a new milestone. On January 21, 2019, engineer for Eclipse MicroProfile and Quarkus, Ken Finnigan posted an update blog detailing the news that Quarkus 1.1 is now compatible with MicroProfile 3.2.

Let’s take a look at the recent news.

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Added compatibility

In the announcement blog regarding the updated compatibility, Ken Finnigan writes:

Over the last couple of months, the team has worked tirelessly to add the various MicroProfile specification TCKs to the Quarkus build and hunt down the failures they raised. With fixes not just in Quarkus, but also fixes for dependent libraries such as SmallRye and RESTEasy.

With Quarkus we’re seeking the best developer experience for cloud-native development. In addition to the MicroProfile APIs we provide support for popular APIs and standards such as HibernateApache Kafka, and a flexible DI implementation that understands CDI annotations and Spring DI. For more information check out Quarkus CDI Reference.

Now, MicroProfile compatibility is a key feature of Quarkus.

This compatibility is possible thanks to the hard-working efforts of community contributions.

What is MicroProfile version 3.2?

So, why is this worth celebrating? Let’s quickly review what Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2 added. MicroProfile version 3.2 is a minor version which released according to its train model for platform releases in November 2019.

Eclipse MicroProfile helps create specifications for developing optimized microservices in Enterprise Java. This latest version of Eclipse MicroProfile includes updated components that maintain backward compatibility. It also updated the Metrics and Health specifications.

Check out the release tag on GitHub and the specification for all the info.

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Future plans

What’s next on the agenda for Quarkus?

Currently, Quarkus developers are working on more changes to SmallRye, a library for Java devs that improves Cloud Native development through Eclipse MicroProfile. SmallRye is included in Quarkus, as well as Thorntail, Wildfly, and Open Liberty. View SmallRye on GitHub for additional information and a list of its repositories.

Work for various IDE support continues behind the scenes. Check out this list for stability status for IDE/Editors such as Eclipse Che, IntelliJ Ultimate, VS Code Quarkus Tools, and Eclipse Quarkus Tools.


IDE/Editor support status. Source.

According to the plan, version 1.2 will arrive sometime in late January 2020, which can be any day now. So keep your eyes open for the next update.

In the meantime, join the Quarkus Google Group for all the latest updates and discussions.

The post Quarkus updates: Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2 compatibility reached appeared first on JAXenter.

Source : JAXenter