Reporter gets drenched by sprinklers on live TV, heroically powers through

  • August 27, 2019


Live TV reporting is a dangerous game — anything can happen, no matter what field you’re in. Or on.

Russian football journalist Evgeny Evnevich was in the middle of a live cross segment on Match TV, when the stadium’s sprinklers started going off behind him.

“I’m going to be wet now, cause they’ve started to water the field,” he said, as translated by Sputnik News. “That’s why I will try to speak as fast as I can.” 

He powered on through the report, even as the sprinklers soaked him like he was in the front row at Sea World, flattening his coiffed hair with a power spray directly to the noggin. Read more…

More about Russia, Soccer, Football, Live Tv, and Journalists

Source : Reporter gets drenched by sprinklers on live TV, heroically powers through