Sift away your poop-scooping problem with this litter box cleaner on sale

  • March 20, 2022

TL;DR: The SiftEase Litter Box Cleaner, usually $45, is $39.99 as of March 20 (that’s 13% off).

You may think scooping poop is a necessary evil that comes with being a cat parent. But that’s where you’re wrong. You shouldn’t be subjected to that stinky task, no matter how much you love your furry child. That’s what SiftEase is for.

The SiftEase Litter Box Cleaner eliminates the need for scooping all together, so you can finally cut the crap (literally). It’s usually $45, but you can get it on sale for $39.99 for a limited time and save 13%.

When your cat uses their litter box, instead of potentially contaminating the unused litter by pushing waste around, you can just dump the entire contents into the SiftEase box. The waste will collect at the top, while the fresh, unused litter carefully sifts to the bottom of the container. By ensuring the litter that remains is clean, you can eliminate some of the stink you’ve become accustomed to. And don’t pretend like your cat doesn’t stink. You’ve just become nose-blind.

The seven-inch deep basket in the SiftEase means you don’t have to be super particular when pouring in the litter. Just dump it in and watch the magic happen. You can even dump multiple litter boxes into the SiftEase without having to empty it.

See the SiftEase in action:

It takes just a few seconds to dump the litter into the sifter, then dump the waste on top into the trash. So, not only can the SiftEase potentially rid your home of litter box odors, but it might end up saving you time as well. Dealing with poop is still a necessary parenting problem, whether your kids are human or feline. But with the right tools, you can make the process easier and less gross.

Snag the SiftEase for $39.99 for a limited time.

Prices subject to change.

White plastic rectangular litter box cleaner

Credit: Clean Litter Club

SiftEase Litter Box Cleaner

$39.99 at the Mashable Shop

Source : Sift away your poop-scooping problem with this litter box cleaner on sale