Stephen Colbert mocks Trump’s bizarre, unfounded speculation that Biden is on drugs

  • September 16, 2020

The first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden is scheduled to take place on September 29, just two weeks away. As such, Trump is busy preparing in the lead up to this important event — by accusing Biden of taking drugs. 

“‘Ya caught me, Don!'” quipped Late Show host Stephen Colbert on Tuesday, donning aviator sunglasses to perform an impersonation of Biden. “‘I’ve been juicing. Tomato, beet, prune. I’m as regular as the atomic clock, Jack!'”

SEE ALSO: Stephen Colbert mocks Trump’s RNC speech, line by line

If you thought Trump might have a reasonable basis for his speculation then I’m sorry to disappoint you, but also that’s kind of your bad for assuming he’d have a reasonable basis for anything. Speaking to the Washington Examiner, Trump stated he thought Biden might be on drugs because he participated in a “normal boring debate” against Bernie Sanders, in which “nothing amazing happened.” Read more…

More about Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Stephen Colbert, The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, and Election 2020

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Stephen Colbert mocks Trump’s bizarre, unfounded speculation that Biden is on drugs