Support independent artists and save 35% on bath and bedding at Society6


TL;DR: Society6 is currently holding its Summer-Ready sale, where you can save 35% on bedding and bath and 20% on everything else through June 6.

Comfort is a hard thing to come by these days.

Sure, the home-reno-during-isolation trend is probably a result of canceled social plans and more free time for projects. But being stuck inside the same four walls has a way of making it very clear if your space truly makes you feel at home.

After you’ve exhausted every page of Target’s home decor section, consider cozy-fying your place with an original design from an independent artistSociety6 is in the midst of its Summer-Ready sale and you can currently save 35% on bedding and bath items, as well as 20% on everything else. Because most artists have the same patterns available on comforters, shower curtains, bathmats, and more, your cohesive bedroom or bathroom dreams can finally come to fruition.  Read more…

More about Home Decor, Small Business, Bedding, Mashable Shopping, and Culture

Source : Support independent artists and save 35% on bath and bedding at Society6