Take advantage of the Serverless Architecture Conference special offer — Very Early Bird ends TOMORROW

  • January 30, 2019

Get ready for Serverless Architecture Conference where renowned pioneers of the software industry will gather on April 8-10, 2019 in the Hague, the Netherlands to present the most interesting and important trends and visions for serverless architecture.

Learn how to master Cloud Native Architectures, the Kubernetes Ecosystem and Functions. Join Serverless Architecture Conference and gain key knowledge and skills for this new era of computing. Being a software engineer has never been better.

With our Very Early Bird offer, you can take advantage of group discounts and save up to €200!

Let’s take a closer look at the conference tracks:

  • Serverless Platforms & Technology:

With Functions as a Service (FaaS) software development changes dramatically. In this track, we’ll examine serverless platforms, tools and frameworks, as well as the technology itself.

  • Cloud Services, Backend as a Service

Managed services can boost your productivity beyond all measure. In this track, you will learn how to make use of them and how you can integrate them into your own cloud native systems.

  • Docker, Kubernetes & Co.

Containers provide a foundation for modern cloud native systems. Developers and Architects seeking for highly automated deployment will learn in this track how to benefit from Kubernetes, Knative & Co.

  • Cloud Native Architecture

Does an application need to be split into microservices to be cloud native? Is the use of containers obligatory? This track is all about the different types of cloud native architectures.

Serverless Architecture Conference workshops

  • AWS Lambda Workshop: Create shared models with your business to design and develop your AWS Lambdas with Domain-Driven Design and EventStorming by Kenny Baas and João Rosa, Xebia

Serverless functions give us the power to fail faster, and more often. Since there are no servers to manage, you can create isolated, production-like environments much quicker. Because of this, it will be easier to develop and run pipelines which will run faster and more stable. You will gain the needed feedback much faster.

However, giving the natural small size of functions, within no time we will have thousands of them running. Managing this will soon slow us down, and we can get lost in translation with our business. We will lose the fast feedback that was promised.

Join us in this workshop where we leverage the Bounded Context pattern from Domain-Driven Design. We will design the boundaries using EventStorming, leverage Test Driven Development to code our AWS Lambdas, and use GitLab with SAM and CloudFormation to continuous testing and continuous delivery of our application. So if you don’t want to make a mess of all your lambda’s, and want your models to stay connected with the way the business thinks about them, this is the perfect workshop for you!

  • Azure Workshop: Building mostly serverless distributed cloud systems step by step by Ivan Čuljak, Celeste Maze

A “zero to hero” workshop about building serverless systems consisting of functions and containers, inter-connecting them using messages, and events, monitoring your system, provisioning and deploying.

All you need to understand the concepts, be able to decide what to apply to which situation, and build your own when you get back to work 🙂

Serverless Architecture Conference consists of:

  • 2 full-day power workshops
  • 20+ International speakers and industry experts

Are you feeling thrilled? Make sure you get your Very Early Bird offer!

We can’t wait to see you in the Hague!

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Source : JAXenter